Thursday 25 April 2013

The IRL stuff of The Gaming Yeti

So my Grand Master Librarian Thecarius has been sitting dormant for some time now due to other circumstances interfering. Namely that of the surgery of my child.

It was only a simple procedure, tonsils and adenoids out and grommets put in, but the pent up stress about the matter has been weighing on me even stronger than I realised.

It wasn't until she was done and was showing a superb recovery that I began to relax and understand how much I had worked myself up over it.

Here's a picture of her on the hospital bed stealing some of my garlic bread. She was keen to get eating and drinking straight away, I had to slow her down in case she got sick from it heh.

So after a week or so, once the kids are all settled down again and I have my uni work under control, expect some return posts of the Reclusiarchy Dark Angels force. As I may have mentioned, I do so love the idea of the Chaplains and will always have my forces being led by them.

And here's the little me snuggled up watching some cartoons after she got out of hospital. She made me retake the photo twice to ensure all of her toys had their faces shown properly.

So for a few weeks I shall be incommunicado but then expect to see some paint jobs and hopefully the beginnings of my conversion work of an Interrogator Chaplain on a Ravenwing Bike, wielding the mighty Mace of Redemption.

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