Tuesday 9 April 2013

Thecarius the Termiator Librarian

Ok, so here's a picture of the librarian in terminator armour i recently created. I unfortunately didn't document the process, but i'll give a brief rundown.

I was working with parts from the deathwing knights set and the dark angels bits sprue, i had some spare terminator legs from the DA sprue, and the front, head and gun arm from the knights sprue. But i had no proper terminator chest.

So i used the back end of a normal power armour pack, added the backpack to it and glued it to the front part of a terminator piece. This of course left large gaps and holes and looked all around quite silly.

To remedy this situation I added the cloak from the knights sprue, and built a greenstuff rear armour for the only visible parts. This was nice and easy to do as i knew that most would be hidden by the presence of the backpack and of course the arms.

I recently obtained some power swords and other items from Hoard 'O Bits and used one of those swords, some items from the DA bits sprue to flesh it out and added a nice book bit to his shoulderpad.

His base as you can see is in the process of being terraformed into an ice wasteland to suit that of the rest of the army (of which very little is painted still, but hey, that's life). I used some cork board that i picked up from spotlight, can also be obtained from bunnings apparently, and some sand that i've had stocked around for a long time.

I'll hope to put up a post of some of his painting in progress as i go. I'm still awaiting the rest of my paint order which is required.

Here he is in his current glory:

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