Saturday 15 June 2013

A minor progress update on the librarian

So I finally decided to sit down and do some more painting, which means i thought it was time to update this guy again.

This will be a short and sweet post, just with some updated pictures of my librarian, Thecarius.

I have also been painting old papa nurgle (great unclean one) which I plan on selling once complete, so I've been putting some effort into it. I don't plan to release any pictures of that guy though until it is all finished.

So, here's some quick snaps on my phone of the librarian so far. I couldn't put him on his base as I just added the water effects to his base tonight and that takes about 24 hours to properly set and cure it seems.

As you can see, I've added some metallics to the mix, touched up the bone and green colours somewhat, I just need to finish off the finer detail parts and add some shading to the blue armour (not sure how to do that well with blue just yet).

As always, some feedback would be great.


  1. Looking great mate .
    I think i need to improve my work so
    my guys turn out as nice as yours lol ..

    1. Thanks for that. I just wish I had more time to spend on painting, but that silly real life thing keeps getting in the way.

  2. LMAO yeah i hear ya .
    Im pretty lucky . i get plenty of time and the missus likes seeing my progress .
    Got the DV set and gave the Chaos cultists to my 5 year old boy who sits next to me painting them weird and wonderful colours.
    Painting a heap of DA Vets atm and only just figuring out how to get the robes looking how they should since they are in the midst of battle .
    Looking forward to seeing more of your work .
    Cheers : ALR

    1. If you want them to look dirty and keep the white/off white colour of them underneath, there are a few simple things you can do.

      First is paint it the colour you want, and then do some heavy washes, either with the GW paints or your preferred brand, or you can make your own wash with some browns and a lot of water.

      Or, you can paint it intentionally darker and shade it up from the bottom, maybe try to add some blood splatters etc, though that is rather hard to pull off.

      And the last is to weather it with pigments, something i haven't tried yet, but plan on doing to some vehicles when i eventually get around to painting again.
