Friday 19 July 2013

Planned Projects and the lack of time to do them

Well, any of you who have been reading have seen the creation of my Terminator Librarian, which is now mostly complete, the final basing stages and a few highlights are all that is left.

So now i'm thinking of my next projects I'd like to do. I of course have several armies to paint, but I do tend to obtain more enjoyment out of making a conversion piece, so with that in mind I have two major projects I plan on working on over the coming months.

The first is a creation of a Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought for my Dark Angels army. To make this conversion I will use the regular dread legs, of which I have many spare, and the torso from a Warmachine Menoth Warjack. The weapon loadout will be kheres assault cannons and a cyclone missile launcher, the plan for it being that of an anti vehicle/flyer machine. I have some assault cannons spare, and a CML leftover from my deathwing knights kit, so I just need to obtain the warjack parts and get to work. I do believe the three hurdles of this project will be the adaptation of the legs to the torso, the creation of armatures to hold the weapons, and the extra armour to be added to the dread legs to resemble a proper forgeworld style model.

The second project is the creation of some Khorne Warp Talons. I know that usefulness wise using raptors over the warp talons is probably 95% of the time a better idea, but where's the fun in that. Now, I think the standard warp talon models are ok, but don't really fit a khorne theme for me. So my plan of attack for these guys is to use a spare box of khorne berserkers i have yet to open, obtain 10 of the winged backpacks from the possessed kit and obtain the lightning claw arms from the warp talon kit. I have checked into the costing of this from several bits websites and it's actually not that bad. My primary concern with this idea is that all the wings will be the same, and for some demonic style wings, uniformity is not so great, but in this case cost will unfortunately outweight the desire for a better look as it would be too expensive to obtain different wing styles and adapt them to the backpacks. The second problem is that many of the default berserker poses are designed for running or standing still rather than flight, but i plan to overcome this using some moulds I have obtained to make raised bases, in such a way that they should look like they are landing on rocky peaks etc.

On the standard painting side of things, I will be entering a doubles tournament in almost exactly one month and I would like my force to be painted for it. I'll be bring dwarfs and the army at the moment consists mainly of a large block of hammerers with two warmachines and some thunderers and rangers, all in all around 55 models. My typical painting speed is incredibly slow so I'm using the limited time to attempt to challenge myself to improve.

As always, feedback is welcome.

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