Monday 27 April 2015

WIP on some Space Wolves

And here I present some unflattering photos of Krom Dragongaze, Wolf Lord. I have since drilled out his bolter barrel as it was pointed out to me at length that I had not done so. I also really need a photo booth.

Given that he is a wolf lord I did spend some more time on him than other models. This guy, however, was painted sometime before christmas. Given the unfortunate hot summer we experienced I have done very little painting indeed and have only just started picking up the brushes again. Much to my dismay some of my paints have decided that the near egg boiling temperatures my room met that they would go hard on me and become mostly useless.

Apart from my Iron Priest mounted on a Thunderwolf conversion, my Wolves have seen next to no action with the paints. Apart from the flyer, which I sporadically work on, albeit unusually so. I undercoated it a soft grey and have since been adding on some detail here and there over time. My plan is to knock out the detail and then carefully put in a wash into the obvious recesses of the model and perhaps try my hand at a wet blend of other areas to give the grey tone a shading effect. I mostly want to leave it strongly grey and fear that I will spoil it if I go overboard.

In the meantime, I began some paint work on the warmachine starter box for one of the factions, this was, and might still, going to be a giveaway from the facebook page once it reached a certain level of likes. However, after simply attempting to paint one model I decided that I really don't like the models, especially compared to the Trollblood Hordes models which I actually enjoyed painting.

I've also been working on my Grey Knights, taking time with assembly and posing and I just spent the last few days painting the banner for the paladin unit. It still needs some shading work done to it, but overall I could leave it where it is and be happy with it for tabletop work. I played with a few armour colour schemes for the boys and have opted for a silver with a blue wash, silver drybrush and black wash. It gives the grim dark feel to me and the occasional blue shiny parts offset the usual dull metallics I often see with them.

As always, comments and criticism is welcome and appreciated.

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