Tuesday 28 April 2015

Just a quick update on some Grey Knights

I assembled the first of my Paladins for my Grey Knight force just recently and decided to paint him before assembling any more. Given that I don't yet play any games with this army, i'm not in any great rush to complete assembling them all and will instead attempt to paint each model before building the next.

A project most likely doomed to fail given my history of flitting from one painting project to the next, but the person who fails is the person who never tries.

I'm still undecided as to how I plan on basing them.

Also, as a quick side note, our local rpg group put in for a kickstarter last year for a company called HeroForge, they perform 3D printing of models that you design on their website and as part of our kickstarter package we all were able to choose a model.

Unfortunately I didn't grab a picture before I put some paint on it, but here it stands after the first run through of painting. It's not the greatest paint work of my life, far from it in fact, but when it's down on the table it works for me so i'm happy.

That is, indeed, a terrible photo and I shall provide another one when i next fish him out of whatever box i stashed him in.

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