Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Slightly Flamboyant Daemon Prince

So, with my shiny new toy I decided to test out my colour blending on the old metal daemon prince model. This is another second hand that I bought off a friend, my entire CSM army is in fact second hand even if some was new on the sprue still.

I wanted to keep the red world eaters theme that I'm going for whilst putting in an element of daemonic essence bursting through the seems.

The concept was to have a bright blue at the central demon parts and blend it up to the red of the army colour scheme.

Again, I was slack and used my phone instead of my camera for these pictures, but here is the mostly finished product. I might add some more highlights and obviously the base needs to be done, but the main point here is the colour blending attempt.

I tried to do a similar colour blend on his sword and then highlight the runes, it works fairly well when you see it in person but doesn't translate well through the crappy camera phone. Still though, i might look at redoing it at a later date. First I have a lot of other models to assemble and basecoat.

But, as for this guy, I'd love your thoughts.

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