Friday 4 October 2013

The Return of the Waaagh!

Our had club numbers dwindled after a move to a new hall. Which was disappointing as we were starting to get some solid numbers of attending players. There's no doubt multiple factors for the dwindling, but at the core I believe that the main group was simply a bit bored of the whole scene. A decision was made to put the club on hiatus for a few months while we all had a break. Recently, I decided to restart the club, at our old location and under the same style as when we began.

So far, so good. We've had one meeting and a healthy enough showing, our next meeting is scheduled for next week for some Fantasy based games, ranging from Warhammer through to Malifaux.

I'm trying to get my Malifaux warband ready for next week, and as such I hope to post some photos of the finished job of them before next Friday.

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